What exactly was BEHIND those document forgeries?  Why were they drawn up?

Are we dealing with a situation here, one where a powerful Senator's (Jay Rockefeller) family business was implicated in illegal trading of Uranium for Oil with Iraq, and tried hiding it behind hastily forged documents meant to throw the CIA off track?  Did Rockefeller know about the Chase/Exxon/Rock brokered deal between Iraq and Niger, Oil for Uranium?  Did the Rockefellers then try bashing the Bush and Blair administrations with the forgeries, in order to extort those same oil reserves, by threatening Bush in the context of next year's elections? 

Did this highly illegal deal to trade Iraqi oil for Niger Uranium routing it through French fronts, just before Gulf War 2, involve both Rockefeller Mining/Oil and Banking Interests, was it one of the sources of embarrassment and conflict that led to French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac's unwillingness to support the American invasion of Iraq? Is Jacques Chirac a Rockefeller "company man", on the payroll of the Rockefeller family, their "French Connection"?  Did a Saudi Oil Minister approach the Rockefellers about the deal covertly beforehand, asking them to organize their French and Niger alliances in support of it, and smooth it over with Chirac? 

The possibility of a respectable American Family and a US Senator and their energy companies being involved in violating UN and US trade sanctions with Iraq in support of a Terrorist Regime sworn to destroy the United States is horrifying!  That he would then use his position at the head of the Intelligence Committee for political purposes so as to blackmail the Bush Administration into letting that Iraqi Oil get into Rockefeller hands, is that not the epitome of political gall and a serious outrage?

The questions that come to mind are quite remarkable.

1.  Were Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller's family businesses (the legacy of Standard Oil) secretly involved in a Niger Uranium for Hussein-Iraqi Oil deal as late as January of 2003, a swap deal with Saddam Hussein's government that needed covering up?  Were forged documents leaked by Rockefeller to the CIA in an effort to hide Rockefeller / Chase involvement in brokering the deal for valuable Iraqi Oil Interests just prior to Gulf War II?  Did Rockefeller then turn the situation topsy turvy and re-use the forgeries originally meant to hide his company's involvement in brokering the Uranium for Oil Swap, to bash Bush and Blair?

It appears for all intents and purposes so.  At least something is out of line here, Rockefeller was all too quick to start his inferiors in the Senate dogging the Bush administration and bashing Blair, even though the basic intelligence regarding a deal to trade Oil for Uranium in Iraq, was both sound and well documented by the British, the conveniently leaked document forgeries from Niger, simply served to cloud the deal, and Rockefeller and company clearly wanted to hide this, when they attacked Bush, because such would represent offenses of opportunistic business that violated the laws regarding trading with Iraq.

 The Democrat, who is a powerful leadership Senator who co-chairs the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate, introduced the notion that the forgeries disguised misinformation in President Bush's speech.  In reality, the forgeries actually establish the likelihood that a Uranium for Oil swap was underway involving Niger and Saddam Hussein's administration, because their having been manufactured without purpose would have been unlikely.  The most obvious explanation is that they were intended to throw the bloodhounds off the trail of the individuals involved in brokering the actual swap deal.

2.  So, then, why did not Rockefeller leave sleeping dogs lie?  The answer is quite simple: the rapid removal of Hussein by the US and British Marines and Army, Air Force and Navy, had a second consequence: deals made between the Rockefeller's Standard Oil related firms in the Niger and Ukraine, with Saddam Hussein and his sons, had insufficient time to execute, and as a result of the War, they lost their contractual rights to secure Iraqi Oil from the regime, much as had the Russians who had made similar deals and supplied armaments, along with the French, Germans and Belgians, in exchange for supposed oil rights. 

So, for all their efforts to broker a highly illegal deal, the Rockefellers were unable to force the Iraqis to pay up for the Uranium, which the Iraqis hid away from the UN Peacekeepers and aren't about to produce or return. Judging from how well they hid them, leaving only records of having the Uranium in the first place at their Nuclear Weapons Lab in Central Iraq, it will be a while before the Uranium is located, if it hasn't been moved to storage outside of Iraq by Hussein, who may have fled Iraq to hide in a nearby nation in seclusion.

3.  Did President Bush inadvertently trigger a vengeful Rockefeller to use the documents constructed cleverly to hide this secret deal, as a bashing ram to try to beat Bush and British Prime Minister Anthony Blair into agreeing not to administer Iraqi's newfound independent oil interest solely to the benefit of the Iraqi People...?

During it's 1991 and earlier efforts whereupon it secretly acquired thousands of pounds of Uranium Ore, Iraq utilized the services of a procurement house which was affiliated with Rockefeller Mining and Oil businesses located in the Niger mining districts, and the ultimate purchase was made from a company with distinct ties to the Rockefeller Family.  Rockefeller businesses have supplied nearly 90% of the Uranium used in American nuclear weapons over the years and over 75% of that used by the Soviet Union, and Great Britain and France. Businesses they indirectly control have managed the administration of America's nuclear arsenal since 1949, through Bell and Lockheed, both Rockefeller businesses set up for them by the intermediary middleman organization of JP Morgan during the 20th century.  JP Morgan was the Rockefeller's most successful "front man", he managed to circumvent anti-Trust laws to such a degree that he became almost as wealthy as his superiors in the Rockefeller family...

Certainly there will be more that will surface about Rockefeller involvement with illegal business transactions with the Government of Iraq.  It is remarkable that the Democratic Party does not realize that alignment with Jay Rockefeller on this issue will tarnish the Democrats to such a degree that it may be we are looking at a Century of Republic Party dominance in Government, by virtue of the utter lack of integrity that Rockefeller's Hypocrisy and illegal behavior represents.  It is now quite understandable why Al Gore elected not to run for office in next year's elections.  He must have know, as Vice President, that his party's spiritual Rockefeller leadership, was involved in illegal transactions that may have led up to the 9/11 Tragedy, the Afghan War that followed it, and the necessity for America to invade Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein.



  (click the link to read an interesting article about their business interests)

This is not the first time Rockefeller/Morgan business interests have been implicated in using repressive regimes to gain access to natural resources or economic interests in a Country.  They were integral to the rise of NAZI Germany (read above article and this one: click here) and have frequently encouraged enemies of America to use vicious tactics, which may explain their Middle Eastern Oil Partners, the Saudis, and others in oil rich Arabia, who regularly use Anti-Semitism to polarize their national peoples against outsiders and America, so as to keep them from deposing their repressive regimes.  This appears to be a standard Rockefeller influence-ment strategy, they use Chase Manhatten Banking and their vast business holdings and interlocking boards, to gain access to a region and then start helping it build up and interpose the infamous "Thule" strategy of demonizing Jews, foreigners, and others, while keeping their relationship with any pseudo aristocracy they can manifest in those countries. 

The Hungarian Thule are among the most vicious criminal element that have ever walked the earth, dominated by pseudo occultism, purported black magic, anti-Semitism and anti-Catholicism, and other forms of criminal behavior in support of aristocratic looking leadership who at this moment very much appear to be the Rockefeller family.   It seems that NAZI Germany was an archetype for their practices, Rockefeller used Standard Oil, IBM, Chase and vast business interests to help fellow Austrian/Hungarian Empire citizen Adolph Hitler enter Germany and rise up and conquest the nation in the name of German Supremacy and Anti-Semitic onslaught scape-goating innocent Jews in Germany and Europe, earmarking them for genocide, it appears the Rockefellers play all sides against the middle and then swoop down to scoop up the economic value.

It appears the organization who fulminated the deal between Saddam and Uranium sources in Niger are the Rockefellers, who have conveyed the same business conquest strategy REPEATEDLY throughout the middle east, leveraging ancient conflicts between the Moslems and their Judaic neighbors to manifest the current hatreds and disputes in and among the various ethnic neighbors in the Middle Eastern Peninsula and Palestine.

Apparently, Rockefeller Oil, Mining and Banking interests leverage this principle time and time again, targeting a minority, such as the Jews, or Kurds or whomever is available, as a deflector to give them a chance to gain sympathy among the targeted nation's leadership.  They play any political party against any other, in America, they've been playing the Republicans and Democrats against each other for over a hundred years.

And forged documents always seem to come up in the Chase strategy.  Predatory business lending practices are regularly accompanied by forged guarantee agreements, a strategy used by John D. Rockefeller Sr. to gain control of Mining Properties throughout the United States and steal them away from their rightful claim holders during the 19th and 20th Century.  It seems that the forged document is an instrument of Rockefeller's over 100 years of strategic development, having learned how to use them to steal, to claim rights, and to hide actual dirty business activities, even using them to slander or libel presidents and country leaders.

For more information, please stay tuned, as these revelations are taking place in our intelligence team's file room, daily.

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