Written by Jack A. Shulman in 1972 - this is a short synopsis.


1.0 In 1972, while a collegian, I defined a unique definition of space-time, gravity, photons, and propulsion.

2.0 The theory, Shulman Unified Field Theory, was very imaginative.  In it, I covered interesting topics, such as: Empty Space, its composition, Singularity, the God-Particle, Displacement and Gravity, Speed of Light and its origins, Propulsion/Inertia, and so on.  I shall attempt to summarize the Theory in plain english so you understand it in its simplicity.

a) Empty space was created when a singularity of infinite density and mass, but no dimensionality, emitted a single particle of light.  That created nonsingularity, and like a huge popcorn kernal, the Universe exploded into being, the light particle (a photon) dragged a bunch of matter and energy off the Singularity creating the Big Bang we know of today.

b) Light, the fundamental particle that led to the creation of Empty Space, is perpetual motion embodied in three particles, one in real-time (a Gage Boson), one in anti-time (a Shulman Anti-Tacheon), and one gluing them together (an Einstein Bilocality Propulsor Particle).  Light was created by splitting a fundamental piece of the Singularity (I called it the god particle) into Time and Anti-time Components, and then, using a piece of the Singularity, glueing them Bilocal to each other, so that they would perpetually rotate around the Time/AntiTime Temporal Origin. Then, by accident, the TIME Particle gained a tiny bit of momentum, and a larger mass, than the AntiTime particle and the Propulsor Particle lost equilibrium, propelling the entire Photon of three particles casting them out of the Singularity and BOOOOM! the Universe was near instantly created.  (Interesting, because this process reflects the Bible's "Let there be light!")  Light, I theorized, had very tiny mass.  This was discarded by Physicists until only recently, since about 1996 now believed to be true.  I also theorized the larger mass of the Real Particle, drags the Anti-Time Particle through space-time, forward, while the energy produced by doing so (anti-time energy) is transformed by the Einstein Bilocality force (particle) into Momentum sufficient for the particle to move as fast as Empty Space will PART to let it pass.  Hence, it moves at the Speed of Light as that speed is about as fast as Empty Space will separate sufficiently to let a single photon pass... because

c) Empty Space is NOT EMPTY.  It is the projection of 3D Space caused by the ORIGINAL PHOTON and the SINGULARITY (what I call the GOD PARTICLE) having to exist simultaneously, causing Empty Space to be EXTRUDED and EXCLUDED OUT OF THE REGION OF EXISTENCE OCCUPIED BY THE SINGULARITY.  Its etherial essence is a mathematical illusion as, in fact, it is an ATTRIBUTE of the God Particle or Singularity, forced to its own existential plane by the Singularity's need to remain a Singularity.  Hence, its dimension of existence was caused to come into being yet, it is simultaneously connected by SupraForces to the Singularity.  Hence, the Singularity has Duality, Separated from Empty Space by INTERSPACE, a region of Forces and Resonances on its own plane of existence BETWEEN the EXISTENCE of our UNIVERSE and the EXISTENCE of the PLANE OF THE GOD PARTICLE.  The Three Planes of Existence, that of the God Particle is called 'the Singularity', that of the INTERSPACE is called The UNIVERSAL TORRUS, and that of our EMPTY UNIVERSE is called OUR UNIVERSE.

d) INTERSPACE is its own Reality, with layers of frequency, direction and dimension, all distorted.  It is possible to send 'something' into INTERSPACE and depending upon how far it travels down into the area of the SINGULARITY and then springs back into OUR UNIVERSE, it can be 'piloted' to go across millions of times that distance within OUR UNIVERSE.  So to speak, you can travel at 60 miles per hour, 10 miles into INTERSPACE, look for an INTERSPACE layer, find it, then travel 10 miles back into OUR UNIVERSE and you will have travelled 100 Light Years in OUR UNIVERSE in about 20 minutes WALL CLOCK TIME, so long as you maintained a 'protective' energy shield against the distortion of your own Quantum Mechanics.  The Direction you go, and the Frequency you PLUMB to, and the Direction you Return determine exactly WHERE in OUR UNIVERSE you will Emerge.  Finally, as you go further 'DOWN' in INTERSPACE, you cross LOGARITHMICALLY LONGER RELATIVE DISTANCES in OUR UNIVERSE, as closer you get to the Singularity, the more compressed the Distorted INTERSPACE becomes.  So, in theory, there exists a Theoretical LIMIT to the Amount of Time it would take to go to nearly Any Place in OUR UNIVERSE.  However, if your SHIELD were to fail, you would end up being unable to navigate, as your equipment would be distorted by INTERSPACE's distorted space time, and you might end up moving around inside of INTERSPACE for years without noticing it.  So, such energetic wall to shield a traveller in INTERSPACE would be a neccessity.

e) Gravity (see picture below) in OUR UNIVERSE is a PUSH force, NOT AN 'ATTRACTION FORCE' (that misperception was caused by NEWTON, who had no idea the UNIVERSE PUSHED THE APPLE DOWN and the EARTH UP AT EACH OTHER, he wrongly concluded that the EARTH drew the APPLE down, and every scientist since that time has made the same fatal mistake of conclusion, save myself - I believe the UNIVERSE presses objects together), is a function of TORQUE caused by the DISPLACEMENT of some of the ENERGY Exerted on the existence of OUR UNIVERSE'S EMPTY SPACE by the SINGULARITY.  See the Figures below.  Two objects simply have less force of GRAVITY pushing on them in between them, then AROUND them, as GRAVITY cancels itself out relatively, between two objects, but accumulates on their outsides, pushing them towards each other.  This fundamental force effects ALL mass in the universe to some extent, yet, there is also something I call ANTI-GRAVITY, which in reality is just when TWO OBJECTS ARE FAR ENOUGH APART, THE ACCUMULATED GRAVITY BETWEEN THEM IS STRONGER THAN THAT ON THEIR RELATIVE OUTER HORIZONS, SO THEY ARE GRADUALLY and SUBTLY PUSHED APART.  Hence, the general trend amont UNIVERSAL MASSES is as they are far apart enough, they start causing ANTI-GRAVITY PROPULSION relative to each other, subtle at first, then stronger.

f) Propulsion.  As objects move faster and faster, the FORCES exerting upon them in time so slight it can't be measured, has to GIVE to let them pass. This is what I called the UNIVERSAL ELASTICITY.  It is something which causes an immeasurable (at slow velocities) but measurable (at high velocities) energy coeficient that RESISTS the faster and faster motion of any object.  ABOVE a CERTAIN SPEED (a percentage of the speed of light) an object will either come to equilibrium, or will actually begin to slow down UNTIL it reaches EQUILIBRIUM between its mass and the EMPTY SPACE surrounding it.  This EQUILIBRIUM is its INTERTIAL COEFICIENT OF DISPLACEMENT FORCES.  At this speed it will, in a vacuum, remain in motion.  If propelled faster, and the propulsion ceases, it will again slow down, slowly, until it reaches this Equilibrium Speed (which is very, very fast - of course we are assuming this case has no other gravity forces influencing it, for the sake of explanation in simplicity).  Again, this is caused by a BOW WAVE of RESISTANCE to its PASSAGE by the TORQUE GRAVITY forces, stronger ahead, slightly, than they are behind, any object in motion, at high speeds, the Gravity behind the object begins to LAG BEHIND, and the Gravity in front begins to PRESS BACK due to its inability to GET OUT OF THE WAY FAST ENOUGH.  Eventually, that GRAVITY RESISTANCE reaches a critical mass for any object continuously under propulsion, somewhere in the vicinity of LIGHT SPEED.  This is NOT INFINITE MASS, it is INFINITE RESISTANCE TO ACCELERATION.  Hence, Photons reach it, but can generate no additional propulsion, their TIME-ANTI-TIME Fusion Energy Operation reaches its maximum speed at what we call Light Speed.  I called this RESISTANCE, by the way, SPEED-ELASTICITY OF EMPTY SPACE.

g) Speed of Light Propulsion.  If objects want to EXCEED the SPEED of Light, all they need is to EXIT OUR UNIVERSE by creating a PSEUDO SINGULARITY in front of them and invade the BOW WAVE of RESISTANCE, that can be CONVERTED INTO A HOLE, through which they can exit OUR UNIVERSE, and do as I suggested in (d) above.

3.0  None of the above theory (explained here in LAY PERSONS' Language) was every disproven by the Physics Community, nor was it ever accepted.  I was laughed at, much as Physicist Bruce Macabee once laughed at the concept of TINY MASS for photons, until someone told him to go look it up.

4.0  I am publishing this simplified explanation here, to remind you all that you do not really ever learn WHO invents concepts in this world.  Its the POLITICS of UNIVERSITIES and the POLITICS of MARKETING STRATEGY which creates, or even falsifies the history of Science and Technology.

5.0  You should really view ALL CLAIMS of INVENTION and SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGH with a grain of salt.  We live in a very strange world where what credentials you possess and how many people are willing to bow down to you often makes people believe in you, while actual Science evades them, and people call the above Science Fiction, or when proven - discovered by University Professor Sonso SuchnSuch, PhD.

7.0  By the way, most of my above theory is either now proven, or about to be.  And, over the years, I have kept sharing it with others (Lere Shakunle, are you out there, from our dialogs of 1995?)

Note that no matter HOW accurate an innovator is, a University Professor will attempt to scoff at or make foolish some part of such an innovator's work, and then, later on, will attempt to steal it, if he can understand it.  Don't go begging University Professors for authentication.  The more valuable one's theory, the more likely it will be stolen, like: whose to really say when or how you came up with it.

As an side: Some parts of this document were copied verbatim from the 1972 text, and the drawing was just colorized...  I ended up my 1972 theoretical paper with the following quote:

    "It is a horrible thing humanity does to people with good brains."

Written by Jack A. Shulman
American Computer Science Foundation
July 1998  Written originally in July of 1972.
This is an original copy and may not be reproduced nor incorporated into any other work.



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