CLEAN ENERGY The Hydrogen™ Way™
a new 300 MPH Hydrogen powered MAGLEV
Rail system being built
and sold to eventually extend over a total of
250,000 of American Highways and Rail egresses...
Purchase a Rail System (visit
our commercial
website >)
Author; Dr. Jack A. Shulman,
with photos by Edison Park, May 10, 2005
- exclusive to the ACSA
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Teachers' Introduction: Michigan
entrepreneur Justin Eric Sutton brings us into
the era of clean hydrogen energy and solar
energy, by producing a remarkable high speed
MAGLEV railway which is being sold throughout
the USA for deployment on Elevated Superhighway
Rails, it speeds travelers between
metro areas at up to 250+ MPH, in this remarkable
vision of the not so distant future! Not
only would it revolutionize energy AND
transportation, it is both feasible and
deployable TODAY. All that remains is
funding and agreements with the various local
and state jurisdictions. America is one step
closer to a clean energy economy no longer
dependent upon economically and environmentally
unsound foreign or other fuel sources.
(MAY 10, 2005 -
Cranford, NJ - EXCLUSIVE) You can buy yourself
a new Hydrogen Super Highway here, all it takes is
"$15,000,000 per mile, and $250,000 per Rail Car.
Sound's expensive: it's NOT, as at a $0 cost for
fuel per mile, powered solely by Solar/Hydrogen and
Heat/EnergyStorage Power, the Hydrogen Super Highway
represents the first in a generation of extremely
high speed MAGLEV systems MENTORED BY the American
Computer Science Association Inc. The project
was founded and
organized by a brilliant Michigan entrepreneur and
scientist, Justin Eric Sutton, the Interstate
Traveler Project is an ingenious solution to the
need for systems of transportation powered by
abundant sources of easily obtained, environmentally
friendly energy that reduce our dependency upon
fossil or fissile fuels such as coal, oil or
nuclear energy. The Association has studied
Mr. Sutton's proposed solutions and has found they
not only have merit for interstate transportation of
passengers, freight and vehicles: his value
proposition also has merit as a generally convenient
means to produce and store an abundance of solar
energy. This is accomplished by efficiently
converting it to Hydrogen, using advanced methods to
electrolyze ordinary water into it's component
While on a far more sophisticated level, what Mr.
Sutton is selling deploys a method for using
solar energy electricity to produce storable clean
burning hydrogen, something accomplished in a manner not all that different from a
common high school chemistry lab demonstration.
He intends to do so along high technology MAGLEV
tracks laid along 54,000 miles or so (eventually) of
already clear interstate highway and umpteen
thousands of miles of existing railway egress (he is
seeking to license said acreage to his company,
providing a valuable source of income to the
interstate highways and railroads, along with excess
power for their use at no extra cost). Mr.
Sutton's scientific method, depicted in a figure
later in this article, involves electrolyzing water,
producing environmentally safe hydrogen and oxygen,
powered by the solar energy panels lain along the
entire length of the Interstate Traveler's tracks,
which is then converted to motive force, and/or sold
to the outside world in the form of low cost
compressed Hydrogen.
This highly innovative approach is similar to the classroom
demonstration where the professor places two
electrodes in water connected to an electrical power
source, collects the hydrogen that emits from the
electrons infiltrating the water, catches it in a
Beaker, and then burns it off in a small, rather
loud explosion designed to wake the kids up sleeping
in the back of the class.
in the present case, not only is Mr. Sutton intent
upon using that hydrogen to power railroads based on
MAGNETIC LEVITATION (MAGLEV) technology, in his case
the kids sleeping in the back of the class are our
political leaders and energy policy makers.
They should immediately heed this wakeup call from
Mr. Sutton: who has solved an enormous number of
problem: simultaneously providing what appears
to be an abundant source for clean, safe hydrogen, and an essentially environmentally safe
and sound method of providing clean, low cost
transportation that could eventually replace most
other forms of long distance travel.
Imagine riding along the scenic vista from New York City, Long
Island and Westchester County, leading down the
Jersey Shore to Atlantic City, where vacation goers
can arrive at the world famed Boardwalk, with it's
entertainment and Casinos, in approximately 22-35
minutes door to door or less! That's probably
less time than it takes for most people to drive
from work to home today. Pack your bags, Mildred,
it's Trump's famous Casino, next stop!
vehicles of the kind proposed by Mr. Sutton, would
travel at nearly 250 miles per hour on cushions of
vibration free, magnetically induced air, for a
flight a few centimeters off the MAGLEV track. Normally
a trip of between 2 and 3 hours by car (plus the
commensurate tolls, fuel stops and bathroom/food
breaks): travel between Penn Station and the famed
Atlantic City Island 116 miles away, at 250 miles per hour, would
take considerably less... in fact about 1/5th the
time. Travel to and from the resort would have none of the hassles normally associated
with a short hop jet flight. It would be
accomplished without wasting all that
petroleum, fuel that could be better used to explore the
Atlantic City seashore community, visit Casinos and
take in the night sites. And, another 15-20
minute hop on the Interstate Traveler a day or two
later, and one could
travel from AC to Philadelphia to see the birthplace
of our Country, Independence Hall!
And, we ask: why even leave your car behind? The design
parameters of the Interstate Traveler System not
only call for passenger ready MAGLEV vehicles, they
also call
for "auto carriers". Such carriers could take the family's
Ford 500 for an ultra-fast trip at 250 mph to any
location on the system, offloading them to allow the
family to motor around the area. A short two
week vacation could visit a wide variety of areas
covering nearly 2/3 of the Nation, stopping for a
day or two to explore each area, then hopping on the
Interstate Traveler System and moving on to the
the future, such automotive vehicles could also be converted to
hydrogen, and tank up as they exited the Interstate
Traveler, with enough fuel to do local travel and
return to the trip back to New York or Long Island
in another, super quick 30 minute run, or on to
Chicago, Phoenix or Dallas. Trips between Boston and Washington DC, would be
even more fascinating, going the full 428 mile trip
in only 1 hour and 35 minutes from an on-load not
far from Boston's Callahan Tunnel to offload right
onto the DC Beltway just outside Washington proper!
We'd imagine even the coal-rich Kennedy family would
not be adverse to limo'ing back and forth between
Martha's Vineyard and the halls of Congress this
way, if an extension were built just off the
island's Ferry port on Massachusetts' Cape Cod!
The amazing economic value proposition behind this remarkable transportation system is that
it's fuel costs would be negligible. After
building a multi-state length of track, say, from
Boston to New York to Philadelphia to Baltimore to
Washington, DC, the entire system would be powered
by electricity and/or internal combustion engines
powered by clean-burning Hydrogen. Burning
Hydrogen produces heat and water. Converting
it to Electricity using a Hydrogen Fuel Cell,
produces an abundance of electrons (electricity) and
an amount of clean water and smaller amount of heat. A "solar paneled"
Conduit Cluster running the length of the entire the
tracks (which would be built in pairs, one in each
direction, to allow MAGLEV vehicles to be used for
return trips), would produce approximately (by our
estimates) as much as 400,000 watts of solar powered
electricity continuously for every 5000 feet of
track in one direction. Pictured below
is an overview that shows the Interstate Traveler's
control system visualized under the constant
automation by a Sun Microsystems minicomputer.

The basic process
that produces electricity by Sunlight striking EPV
(electro photo voltaic panels) Panels, is then used to convert
distilled water into hydrogen and oxygen.
While the oxygen could be bottled and sold, cheaply,
the hydrogen would serve as a "battery",
stored in compressed form in cooling tanks adjacent
to the Traveler System in Utility Centers. As a
power source, it would later be burned to power
internal combustion engines for motive force or to
generate elecricity, and/or more directly converted to
electricity using Hydrogen Fuel Cell technology.
A quantity of this power would drive the Interstate
Traveler System of MAGLEV vehicles, and to provide
for other power needs such as utility stations,
access stations, lighting and maintenance. A
very significant balance, however, could then be
sold to the domestic power grid of the United
States, to power business, industry and homes.
With an eventual system size of nearly 54,000 miles,
would yield as much as 45 Billion Watts of
continuous electrical power from hydrogen, a
substantial amount of which would be provided to the
US Power Grid, about 80% of it or more at first.
The Association calculates that by running a second,
third or fourth pair of conduits adjacent to each
track, an additional 90 Billion Watts of continuous
electrical power can be sold directly to the US
Power Grid, for a total of 120 Billion Watts
produced for use at a nominal cost of upkeep of the
system. The system would be very inexpensive
to travel over, since the fuel costs would be
nominated by the ready source of energy. A
certain amount of hydrogen would be stored each day
to encompass night time travel and weather related

The above and other pictures may be examined, along with an abundance of
study data, business plans, federal and state
records data, long range plans, and accolades form
literally every energy organization who has
encountered Mr. Sutton's proposal (along with
references, an excellent detailed business plan and
incredibly detailed plan for implementation) may be
found at the Interstate Traveler Project website:
The possibilities of Mr. Sutton's project are
boundless when one also factors in special use lines
which can transport container freight from seaports inland,
powered only by the Sun and the novel Hydrogen
producing energy storage facilities of this highly
adaptive project plan. Maglev technology
allows heavy objects, like MAGLEV rail cars, to
become momentum storing vehicles of extraordinary
efficiency, flying slightly above the tracks at up
to 300 MPH or more. Combining solar energy
panels on the tracks (see picture to right) with
full time energy converters (see picture below) that
convert the resulting electricity into hydrogen
obtained from water, The Interstate Traveler pays
for itself, even the cost of construction and
operations is recouped within the first three years
of interstate traveler usage!

A typical Interstate
Traveler hydrogen production station, which would be
built at various distances along the tracks, would
gather electricity from the Solar Cells, and process
water from local sources, producing compressed
Hydrogen (H2) that becomes the power source for the
Interstate Traveler (and producing substantial
excess Hydrogen for use by America's demand for
sustainable energy) and compressed Oxygen (O) which
has its industrial and medical uses as well.
cross country trips, from Downtown New York City
right through to Wilshire Boulevard, Hollywood,
California, would take approximately 10.1 hours of
travel time, with ample time to catch upon on one's
rest, watch TV, browse the Web, take in the Vista's,
with the occasional stops in Philadelphia, Jefferson
City, Oklahoma City, Santa Fe, and Phoenix, every
hour or two, adding an hour or so to allow for on
and offload the long distance "commuters".
While not as fast as a 747 flight, the knowledge
that it was powered by THE SUN, rather than fossil
fuels, and had almost no impact on the environment,
would make it a highly desirable means to travel.
With 2 hour delays at each end not uncommon today, a
9.5 hour 747 express flight between NY and LA seems
not all that much more appealing. And the MAGLEV
would very likely be a whole lot less expensive!
And probably more comfortable (and more safe and

The Bureau of
Transportation Statistics sites the cross country
Eisenhower Interstate Highway, built with highway
grants from the Federal Government, as being 54,000
miles in length, with a total of 167,000 miles of
highway grade roads, including the original 54,000.
It would also be notable to mention that the simple
geometry of the the Interstate Traveler's rail
design allows for easy down and up-scaling from the
full 12 foot gauge, meaning it can be reduced
downward to a 6 foot and a 3 foot gauge to serve
county and city roads.
Vehicles used by the system can be designed so that
their footprint can be changed from "broad footed"
mainline system down to "narrow footed" subsystem to
run through some very narrow MAGLEV roadway
corridors, if needed. This would
eventually account for hundreds of thousands of
miles of rail serving virtually every community in
America while simultaneously creating the worlds
largest solar powered energy system. It is
even possible to create a version that can run one
or more stories above ground in a major community
like LA or NYC, with entrance lobbies added to
skyscrapers to allow on and off loading in a
commuter like setting. All that's needed is
sunlight and a place to mount the tracks! ( The full
Eisenhower Interstate Highway:
Story )
Some of the Interstate Traveler's rail system can also be
"up-scaled" for use in special Interstate Traveler
transit systems designed to move freight containers
on larger transit MAGLEV vehicles along a wider,
faster "Industrial-scale Hydrogen Superhighway".
Imagine the MAGLEV Rail System equivalent of today's
seaboard Container Ships, flying across country at
250 MPH from seaport to inland metropolitan areas,
with the majority of cost of transportation fuel
cost footed by THE SUN! MAGLEV comes in a
number of different forms. Here is but one of
them used in Japan... not necessarily as
efficient as the innovative slotted linear motor
design of Interstate Traveler, but an example of the
science that makes it possible to travel at speeds
up to 500 MPH that are in use already in Japan,
albeit: no where as efficiently as the Interstate
In this Maglev system, which is
similar to the one in Japan, the
vehicle has superconductor loops
(approximately 600 kiloamp turns).
The guideway has aluminum loops at
normal temperature; their loop
currents are generated by magnetic
induction as vehicle loops move past
them. The induced currents in
“figure-8” guideway loops levitate
and vertically stabilize the
The left and right dipole guideway loops
are electrically connected to form a
circuit. Net flux and current in the
circuit is zero when the vehicle is
centered in the guideway. If the vehicle
moves left from the center, the magnet
force develops to push it back to the
How Does the typical Japanese Maglev
Maglev has been a dream since the early
1900s. Emile Bachelet proposed to
magnetically levitate trains using
attached alternating current (AC) loops
above conducting metal sheets, such as
aluminum, on the ground. Other ideas
followed, based on conventional
electromagnets and permanent magnets.
However, all these proposals were
impractical. Either power consumption
was too great, or the suspension was
unstable, or the weight that could be
levitated was too small.
The first practical Maglev system was
proposed and published in 1966.1
It was based on Maglev vehicles carrying
lightweight superconducting magnets that
induced currents in a sequence of
ordinary aluminum loops mounted along a
guideway. These induced currents
interacted with the superconducting
magnets on the vehicle, levitating it
above the guideway. The levitated
vehicle is inherently and passively
stable against all external forces,
including cross-winds, and the
centrifugal forces on curves, whether
horizontal or vertical. If a cross-wind
tries to push the vehicle sideways, an
opposing magnetic force is automatically
generated that holds the vehicle on the
guideway. If the vehicle is pushed down
towards the guideway, the levitation
force automatically increases,
preventing contact. If an external force
lifts the vehicle away from the guideway,
the levitation force decreases, and the
vehicle drops back towards its
equilibrium suspension height.
above explanation taken from: |
Recently, in many of
his recent addresses, the American President George
W. Bush has repeatedly emphasized the need for a
unified and properly orchestrated domestic energy
policy, with a focus on developing sustainable
energy sources. He has also focused on the
development of technology that can facilitate
America to move away from its extraordinary
dependency upon foreign and domestic fossil fuels
and difficult to maintain Nuclear energy. We
believe that the Interstate Traveler Project is one
of those vital technology whose future is NOW.
Unfortunately, a
substantial number of our political leaders in the
Senate and House have not taken his points seriously
enough, nor done anything at all to move our
Government, from Congress's perspective, in this
very appropriate direction visualized by President
Bush. While not ruling out oil, coal or
Nuclear reactors, the President has made a very
truthful plea for all sides of the politics of
America to join together for the sake of our own
Security, Economy and the Quality of our lives. It
appears, however, that the Oil Industry, which leads
the charge on most energy policy issues, has out of
a combination of fear and greed- taken economic and
political steps to sew shut the doors of change, in
essence: blackmailing America with high prices at
the pumps, high prices of automobiles, high prices
for auto insurance, pharmaceuticals and derivative
products, draining our economy to such an extent
that Congress lives in fear that recommending any
change will only cause the situation to worsen.
Big Oil likely
believes that such Political Change threatens the
existing entrenchment of their oil selling. They
fear it could impact the value of products from Opec
and other oil producing nations (such as Alaska,
Texas, California, Mexico, the Gulf, the Far East,
the North Atlantic, Russia and Venezuela), as well
as the major Oil Company distribution partners'
(such as Chevron-Texaco, Conoco-Phillips, BP-Amoco
and Exxon-Mobil) profits. Accordingly, trying
to keep the world in a quandary for the next three
decades, they are deliberately stirring up their
workers who man the gas and oil pumps and the coal
industry, the people in various national origins
(the middle east, Russia and Venezuela for example)
where oil is produced, and using the stirred pot to
try and keep America too busy with the war on
Terrorism, and Economic regrouping, to ever go about
instituting this vital change in our direction.
We at ACSA do not
agree with the Oil Industry's VAST misperception
about the consequences of such change, nor with the
jurisdiction of the Oil Industry in this situation.
We believe Big Oil does not possess the right to
make such trouble as has been plaguing us for a
century, in the never ending battle over fossil fuel
reserves throughout the world. The toll in
human collateral damage has been enormous, involving
the deaths of millions of souls each decade.
The production of
oil and natural gas in our world is extremely
environmentally impact-full, and has an eventual end
where the pumps run dry, and the pipes fill with air
and not natural gas. And then, it becomes
INEVITABLE that other sources of energy will have to
be adopted. Big Oil can live in denial all it
wants, the end of the tunnel has NO LIGHT, it has
only darkness: no more oil, coal OR natural gas, and
that end is only decades away. While nuclear
energy has promise, there is a limit to available
fuel, and it is a dangerous form of energy that can
also be used to produce Weapons of Mass Destruction,
and has a devastating record on environmental
safety, just looking at Chernobyl and Three Mile
Island alone.
There is
absolutely no reason why clean Hydrogen Energy and
Solar Energy can't coexist with Fossil and Fissile
Fuels, now, to eventually light the end of the
fossil fuel tunnel when it is reached. In
fact, natural gas sources can be converted to power
the Interstate Traveler, for so long as they remain
available, as another source of energy during this
transition period.
Today, each energy
source has its applicability, and eventually, as one
source, fossil fuels, cease being abundant and
decline, we will as a species have to be ready to
immediately replace it with other sources.
Instead of a massive "switch over" we can not only
prolong the availability of fossil fuels, we can
extend the range of our energy sources NOW at almost
no expense, by implementing a project like the
Interstate Traveler, with it's obvious benefits.
Such will give us a chance to learn from experience
how to intermix energy sources, and how to gradually
replace declining sources such as fossil fuels
without having to resort solely to Nuclear Energy
and batteries, which energy sources in and off
itself are a very mixed blessing. The
Interstate Traveler is a remarkable step in the
right direction, it's time is now, and it's purpose
is ours: not to eliminate fossil fuels but to extend
them, and to eventually replace them only where it
is applicable. We are still going to need lots
more development before we can meet the enormous
demand of the world's businesses, government,
transportation and homes.
We, at ACSA, strongly agree with President Bush's
assessments regarding America’s over dependency upon
fossil fuels, particularly our over dependency upon
that provided by foreign oil producers, which raises
both an economic issue and a security issue for our
country. We agree that this country needs a unified
and properly organized energy policy. And we agree
that clean burning hydrogen and solar energy
represent two sustainable resources we must not
overlook, in fact we must move on them immediately.
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the entire
universe; it is even the basis of much of the energy
found in hydrocarbons such as oil and coal. It’s
time we used it, since it produces so few
environmental byproducts, to power our
transportation and, eventually, our economic system.
We believe the
Interstate Traveler MUST be implemented throughout
the USA, along with
many other projects like it. And so, ACSA is
engaging in ongoing research and investigation of
all sides of the Bush Administration's Energy Policy
Proposals, and is offering the for sale. We have, for some time, been
proposing to the Government and to the People the
use of Solar and Hydrogen Energy, combined, to off
load some of the energy demand within our country,
demand which has vastly outgrown the available
supply leading to higher prices, despite all efforts
to the contrary.
The American
Computer Science Association encourages everyone who has the financial
or other resources, to contact
Justin Eric Sutton of the Interstate Traveler
Project, and discuss his project: find out more about the
remarkable possibilities of his MAGLEV plus Hydrogen
from Solar Power transportation solution. We
predict it won't be long before this project sees
"the light of the Sun"; it is JUST THE ANSWER
America is looking for right now, with even longer
term implications than one might suspect!
# # #
Written for the ACSA by DR. JACK A. SHULMAN.
Copyright 2005 The ACSA (
Please note that the ACSA disclaims any
responsibility for the Interstate Traveler Project,
and it's creators, who are not related to the ACSA
in any manner. No compensation of any kind has
been received in connection with this technology
exposure and news article. All pictures of the
MAGLEV technology above are courtesy and Mr. Justin
Sutton / The Interstate Traveler Company LLC, whose
company is solely responsible for the projects and
proposals contained therein and proposed by same.
For further information, please contact Mr. Justin
Sutton c/o the contact information contained within
his company's website. Visitors who access
this website agree, in advance, to honor the rights
and premises of the foregoing. All trademarks
in this article belong to their respective owners.
This article originates within the jurisdiction of
the General Business Law of the State of New Jersey
and is subject to the law thereof. This
article may not be reproduced for commercial
distribution without the express prior written
authorization of the ACSA. Any article
specific questions may be directed to