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American Computer Scientists Association (ACSA) Welcomes You!

 Join us! Computer Companies United Against Terrorism ...> 
ACSA - The American Computer Scientists Association
Special Note: Our hearts go out to all who were affected by this 
terrible tragedy... We shall not rest until the reign of Terror is ended.

In  Memory of
Those Lost in the
 name of Freedom
at the World Trade
Center, Pentagon,
& on
flights  77, 11,
93 & 175, Sept. 11,
  Gone but
not forgotten!

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@TERRORISM HIGH ALERT !!  Starting 11/16/2001 @ 2:30 AM EDT. Indefinite Duration.
  Status:  CODE TOP RED!   STAY ALERT! Report anything odd.  
How To Recognize a Suspicious Package...>  
        This is a warning about possible Terrorist Activities.  It has 
        been detected that a possible Airline Assault using Explosives  
        and Biological Weaponry, may take place during the next week 
        to 18 Days.  We are not convinced that Flight 587 was downed  
        as a result of mechanical failure, and could have been a dry 
        run for a much more severe form of terrorism. 
All Airport 
        Authorities and Military: be on the lookout for intelligence
        infiltration of facilities where JETLINERS are maintained, or 
        where activities of Organized Crime control such businesses.
        Travel around the Thanksgiving Holiday is recommended only
        with caution. 

11/08/02 ALERT Text:  CODE BLACK
have determined that General Musharraf is implementing a change in his  
international propaganda, to support his Terrorism Network and Heroin Cartel.  

He will come here on a ruse of diplomacy, while in reality he is here on a mission 
to initiate propaganda war backed by proxy bombing and carefully timed 
political assassinations.  Musharraf is a master of misinformation, and his first 
objective is to try to ensnare Blair and Bush in public insinuation that they are in
league with the attacks on the US.  All persons spreading that kind of rumor, and 
alleging our leaders are involved in the Terror are either US MAFIA or Pakistani,
or Iraqi controlled.... 

During this time, it is expected that Musharraf will detonate  a SMALLPOX bomb 
in a major US city.  He has several.  He is also looking for an excuse to attack our 
Troops in Jacobabad, Pakistan, and hold them hostage. 

If General Musharraf is successful in his agenda, World War III will be upon us. 
Please watch for sudden migration of Pakistani, West Indies, Mafia and/or other 
Middle Easterners out of a major metro area, and report it to the FBI immediately. 

  This is a Public Safety Alert by the ACSA Thought Tank.  updated 11/08/2001 
This weekend General Parvez Musharraf is visiting the USA to discuss things with President Bush.  This man, along with his country, are pretending to be our allies.  We are being momentarily lulled into a sense of false security.  Pakistan is the country behind the attack on the US.  Pakistan is trying to implement a "blame spread" to later on claim that our own heads of state were involved in Pakistan's ATTACK ON AMERICA.  The Al Qaeda Attack was in reality a Pakistani attack.  Propagandists are already wagging tongues trying to tie America to the attack on the Trade Center by spreading false information.  This is the way of the fundamentalist Arabic Terrorist.  Be Advised: under these circumstances General Musharraf will attempt by SUBTERFUGE  to create attacks by terror cells against America that are going to be alleged to have been caused as a result of our bombing of the Taliban, who is trying to convince the whole world that we are killing civilians,  not the Taliban.  The Taliban is a MILITARY UNIT of the PAKISTANI INTELLIGENCE ORGANIZATION AND IT IS FIGHTING FOR PAKISTANI POLITICAL AGENDA: the protection of Heroin Trafficking that originates in Pakistan. Do Not Be Fooled!  Musharraf is one sneaky piece of human garbage.  But, because he is a member nation in the UN, the US is forced to treat him with the same dignity as any other head of state.  But, do not be fooled: General Musharraf is the Enemy.  This man Musharraf has an agenda to engage in proxy warfare against the US and its citizens.  And so, we expect Pakistan to dump a SMALLPOX BOMB into a major American Metropolitan Area any day now.  The loose knit network of Terror Organizations has been organized by Pakistan into an international guerrilla fighting force.  And, the impending Ramadan Holiday, represents an opportunity for Musharraf to, for several weeks, harp on how America is disrespectful of Islam, by virtue of our refusal to stop bombing the Taliban, who are not Islamic, just use Islam as a weapon against the World and their fellow Muslims.
PRIOR ALERT Starting 10/06/2001 @ 10:30 AM EDT. Indefinite Duration:
Red+ Epidemic Alert. Anthrax Alert.

      If you handle, open or receive mail or parcels of any kind, please acquire MEDICAL GRADE FACE MASKS and DISPOSABLE RUBBER GLOVES immediately and use them when doing so.  Upon encountering a suspicious letter or package, such as one with unknown powders or fluids in it, put it down, do not show it or hand it to any co-worker or family member and warn them to stay clear.  Then, go to another nearby room, and call your police emergency 911 or other number.  STAY THERE AND AWAIT THEIR AID AND FURTHER DIRECTIONS. DO NOT LEAVE THAT LOCATION.  THE POLICE AND FBI WILL TAKE OVER THE SITUATION, ARRANGE FOR QUARANTINE, TESTING AND TREATMENT, IF NEEDED. There will be sufficient time for them to treat you, and the government has sufficient quantities of the antibiotic Cipro® to treat millions of possible cases at this time, and is aggressively securing more at this time. NOTE: Cipro® is a registered trademark of Bayer Corporation.  Due to the large volume of pending or proven cases, we believe that the overall pattern indicates that this is a continuation of the Terror Attacks on the USA by the AL QAEDA TERROR NETWORK HEADED BY USAMMAH BIN LADEN, and that it involves personnel who may have been provided Bin Laden: military personnel from the Taliban's 5th Brigade elite trained in Pakistan.
This is a very dangerous alert as it involves the Afghanistan/Pakistan region who are engaging in a rankly suicidal game of brinksmanship with the United States Military, an the United States' patience is wearing very, very thin.  We recommend that if you are ordinary civilians who live in either Pakistan or Afghanistan, if you have the where with all to travel abroad, that you leave these two countries at once, as it is entirely possible that thermonuclear assault might take place in response to broad based aerial Anthrax attack on the United States...  Based on notice of a impending such attack, from information obtained by the Central Intelligence Agency, the United States, and England have placed their NUCLEAR RESPONSE systems on high alert targeting the four  nations from where personnel that are actively supporting the effort originate: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine and Iraq.  Furthermore, an emergency meeting of NATO has obtained the general agreement of the NATO block that ground and air invasion of these four regions would be quickly authorized if the BioTerror Attack increases in scope, if it is decided not to use Nuclear Weapons in any one of them.

To date, the BioTerror Attack, which is possibly linked to interactions between Al Qaeda and Domestic and German Microbiology Laboratories belonging to a right wing cult, in the 1998-1999 time period, that may have imported a stockpile of 500 KG of Anthrax Powder, both weapons grade and low grade forms, into Florida in the year 2000, has attacked New York City, Washington, DC, Reno, Nevada, Denver CO, Edison, NJ, Boston, MA , Uniontown, PA, LiHue Airport, HI, and San Jose, Ca.  In addition, potential attacks in London, France, Germany, and Japan have been reported.  Information obtained by the ACSA has led to the conclusion that both Supremacist and La Cosa Nostra factions had advanced knowledge of the time and place of the World Trade Center attacks, as did citizens of the nations of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other Middle Eastern Countries living in the United States.  

Further information has led to the suspicion that La Cosa Nostra factions in the US involved in distributing Pakistani originated Heroin and Opium were involved with the Al Qaeda in assisting them in placing the knives and box cutters used in the airliner hijackings, particularly, the DeCavalecante and Gambino Organized Crime Families of New York, New Jersey and Florida.  A splinter group within these LCN factions is known to be directly involved in neo-Nazi movements throughout the world, supplying weapons and narcotics to them, and even involved in their activities, and it is believed that the factions of LCN were directly involved with the Al Qaeda between 1997 and 2001 in supplying resources to it's planning, after learning of it's efforts through the "White Supremacy" network, which adheres to the philosophies of Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany.  Hitler believed that the German People and based it's supremacy doctrines, on the belief, that Germans were descended from the pure white people of Afghanistan and Pakistan, known as the "Aryans" or "Arun". 

It is expected that this attack will spread, so a CODE RED PLUS has been issued.  All persons living in North America are at risk. Possible expansion to personal materials found in stores is a possibility. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC DO NOT USE PUBLIC TELEPHONES UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.  ACSA had identified the Terror Attack involving a 20+ Man cell of Al Qaeda Terrorists (the threat was identified as of 10:30 AM Saturday EDT).  A CONTINENTAL BIO-EMERGENCY  has been issued by ACSA tonight (October 10, 2001) for the next 30 days, or longer.  The FBI should be immediately contacted with any leads.  Do NOT handle the materials you suspect have Anthrax.  If you exhibit FLU-like symptoms, rash, swelling of the lymph nodes, headache, fever and nausea proceed to your nearest Emergency Room for immediately treatment, you must receive anti-bacterial treatment within the first 48 hours of symptoms being detected or Anthrax is ordinarily fatal 100% of the time. 

1-866-483-5137 IS THE FBI 9/11/01 TASK FORCE NUMBER     

Kindly be on the lookout for male personnel moving in groups of three, four or five carrying small luggage and/or backpacks who fit the profiles and appearance of the 19 Terrorists pictured on the FBI PENTTBOM website (here). Please review the FBI Most Wanted Terrorists List for additional persons who may or may not be involved: (here) They will be acting cautiously and not calling attention to themselves, behaving in a way that will belie their nature.  IN ADDITION TO MAILING ANTHRAX TO SPECIFIC TARGETS: They intend to, using either Trucks or Small Planes (or hijacked Jetliners), detonate explosives in or around the indicated Metropolitan areas (if they can not penetrate the security in their target city, they will undoubtedly have an alternative target).  

These individuals are armed and dangerous and may be carrying dangerous and hazardous chemical/biological materials.  Al Qa-ida Terrorists are highly trained in all forms of inter-personal combat, and should be considered EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.  Do not attempt to apprehend them yourselves, unless absolutely no other recourse exists.  Be certain to notify the authorities immediately, and/or have someone who can provide details to the authorities do so, immediately upon discovering any such suspect's.  As further details emerge, we will provide them here.  If you are a resident of one of these areas, please be certain that in the unlikely circumstances that you are asked to immediately relocate, you have a full tank of gas in your motor vehicle, several extra bottles of water, essential papers and medications, warm clothes, and extra cash on hand.  Check (here) for a more detailed emergency list...  All Doctors, Medical and Emergency Personnel should immediately contact their command or Hospital for instructions regarding any potential emergency or epidemiological outbreak.  Contact ACSA at 908-931-1200 if you have any questions!

@Terrorism Alert !!   
SEPTEMBER 11: "A Day That Shall Live Forever in Infamy"
Advanced Interactive Video Coverage provided here by ACSA members: Microsoft, GE and NBC, courtesy of content partner MSNBC. We commend MSNBC for extraordinary coverage. Click the September 11 link above for an interactive video library...


NYC Emergency Efforts - official New York City site; includes current emergency, relief, transportation, and missing persons information.

Red Cross - blood donations: 1-800-448-3543. For contributions to the American Red Cross Nat'l Disaster Relief Fund a secure online donation form.

NY Firefighters Fund - all proceeds go towards the NY Firefighters 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund. Contribute via a secure online donation form.

United Way of New York - secure online donations to the September 11th Fund for New York and D.C. 

Salvation Army - 1-800-725-2769. Contribute to the Salvation Army's disaster relief efforts using a secure online donation form.


@History Correction Alert !! Did a Computer save the World?                             FEATURE STORY
The Programmable Electronic Computer was invented by Harold Thomas Flowers 
in the 1930's and early 1940's (NOT BY the University of Pennsylvania)

While working as a lowly engineer at the British Telephone Establishment, Tommy Flowers came up with the idea to use paper tape and 'programmable switches' made of thermion valves (Vacuum Tubes) to create a programmable device to automate the switching of telephone calls.  While he was unable to entirely automate the British Telephone Establishment with it, in 1942, with Germany sinking American ships bearing supplies to England, badly needed, Tommy convinced the famous Code Breakers at Bletchley Park Mansion (Project Ultra) in England, to fund his effort to build a larger model, dubbed "Colossus", to help decode the Lorenz Ciphers that Germany was using with Teletypes, to send messages from Admiral Dunetz to his U-Boat Commanders roving the waters of the North Atlantic, so that Allied Convoys could steer clear of them. It took Tommy a mere six months to complete his machine, and he set about, with the help of the Mathematicians and Code Breakers of Bletchley Park, writing it's first programs to decrypt the German cyphers of the Lorenz machines early in 1943.  
By mid-1943, his machine was completed, and was in operation decoding encrypted German radio-teletype messages by early 1944.  That was just as the University of Pennsylvania and it's pioneers, Drs. Eckley and Mauckert, were first just STARTING to develop what later became known as ENIAC (which spells the biblical name "CAINE" backwards, and was finished in late 1945-46).  Flower's Colossus was the world's first Programmable Electronic Computer.  By the end of the war, 10 of the computers had been built for the British War Department, and they played an extremely significant role in the defeat of Nazi Germany, by virtually eliminating the ability of German Admiral Dunetz to sink American convoys, by undermining German General Irwin Rommel in Northern Africa, and by confusing the Nazis about exactly where the American Invasion at Normandy France, was actually going to take place.  Because of their involvement with Bletchley Park, Colossus's capabilities were known to the United States War Department's Intelligence Arm, who after seeing Colossus start playing so crucial a role in military action against Germany in 1944, then sought to have Drs. Eckley and Mauckert at University of Pennsylvania adapt the concepts of Colossus's design to the building of the ENIAC, not to minimize the remarkable work of Eckley and Mauckert.  Because the British had classified Colossus under the shield of England's Official Secrets Act, it's existence wasn't ever revealed to the public until Colossus was declassified late in the 1970's, long after the world INCORRECTLY gave credit for the programmable electronic computer's invention to the University of Pennsylvania, Eckley and Mauckert, ENIAC and later UNIVAC.  A subsequent derivative British computer, called: AJAX, introduced features such as virtual memory, disk storage, and fast communications, that took decades to emerge in the public sector in the burgeoning American computer industry of the 60's.  Dr. Flowers, a compassionate and humane man driven by the motive to save human lives, kept the secret right along with the British Telephone Establishment until long after declassification, speaking only breifly about his invention at a few public gatherings, and helping rebuild one, in the mid 1990's, prior to his death.
The British considered the secrets of Colossus so sensitive, that they did not even want the declassified machines examined by anyone, so in the early 1980's they destroyed all 10 Colossus Computers.  Later on, in 1994, Tommy Flowers and a group of visionaries, reconstructed a Colossus exactly as it had been (using some of the parts from the first which had been secretly cached by admirers of Bletchley Park) from drawings and diagrams, and it now resides in the Bletchley Park Museum in England.  We may very well owe our FREEDOM to it.  Interestingly, at the time, IBM Corporation, a US company who has risen to be the biggest commercial computer company in the world, was involved helping NAZI GERMANY during WWII.  As revealed in a recent book by Edward Kaplan, IBM Corporation profited from sale of it's punch card, tab and sorting equipment and automation methods, which it sold surreptitiously to Nazi Germany through it's German subsidiary operation, earning Thomas J Watson the German Silver Star of Honor, which he proudly wore to business meetings, it being the equivalent of Adolph Hitler's "Congressional Medal of Honor". IBM equipment was used, among other things, to encode messages, and IBM's system engineering staff taught the Nazi's how to operate the Gas Chambers and Ovens and other extermination equipment used in the German Death Camps more efficiently.  Those Death Camps were used to murder millions of innocent Jews, Gypsies, Catholics and the Infirm, which the Nazi's leveraged so as to loot their victims' assets of money, property, and even the flesh off their bones (used as fertilizer and tested as a food substance for the troops) and the gold in their teeth, and the skin off their backs (used to make lampshades and moccasins), all of which were used to fuel the NAZI war machine.  

It is irony indeed that IBM, today the largest of the computer companies, was giving aid and comfort to the enemies of humanity, at a time when the computer was being invented in England.  Ironically,  IBM had absolutely nothing to do with the invention or development of the first electronic programmable computer Colossus, instead was busy profiting by helping the very Nazi Germans that Tommy Flowers' Colossus was invented to defeat. Instead of helping it's country, IBM helped Nazi Germany become more efficient at slaughtering innocents.  This has reflected in an ongoing hatred among many IBM'ers of minorities, Jews, and others, reflecting in non-payment of contractor wages, career undermining when individuals take religious days off, on the basis of unexcused absence, personal harassment for being of a different race or religion, and other behavior patterns that can only be described as Organized Crime.  We at ACSA have been very vocal about these practices at IBM over the course of the past 10 years, because they are rampant, and because here in New Jersey, we have learned that Organized Crime Entities have the ability to use IBM as a vehicle and conduit for unlawful activities, and that the indifferent airs, prejudices, and elitist attitudes of IBM really have no explanation other than past involvement with fascist elements and Organized Crime. That to this date, IBM has not seen fit to offer the Jews, Gypsies and Catholics murdered by the Nazi's a formal apology is most telling, and a reason for us to consider a global boycott of all IBM goods and services by anyone united against Terrorism.  In the recent Tragedy in NYC and Washington, some Americans actually played a role in the alleged planting of knives and box cutters, and other logistical circumstances.  We are hoping against hope that IBM had nothing to do with these events.  In our view, anyone who knowingly participated in the Terror, any business or person, should have their assets seized, be closed down, and their personnel who were involved, placed on trial for high treason, the penalty being either deportation or appropriate sentence for commission of a capital crime.  After reviewing the evidence in Edward Kaplan's book, we have concluded that 50 years ago, IBM was guilty of the highest form of Treason, and participated knowingly in a perverse Capital Crime against 8 Million various individuals put to death in the Nazi Death Camps, thereby being guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.  Were history to have repeated itself here, we'd strongly recommend that IBM forfeit it's right to do business and it's staff involved in same, punished for that act.  The Investigation will confirm or deny our concern.

@Health Alert !!   
Radioactive Polonium found in Commercial Tobacco, the primary cause of Cancer?
Enormously important discovery courtesy of member Webcaster.com.  Polonium, a highly dangerous radioactive substance, has been found in increasing quantities, in certain long lived amine isotopes, and may account for the very high level of Cancer from Smoking.  While exposure to radioactivity is a certainty in the modern world, the direct exposure of the tissue of the lungs, to smoke from Tobacco possessing a tendency to accumulate radioactive Polonium as a result of it's presence in Fertilizer, may be the explanation for the numbers found in cancer studies,  which lead one to believe that 98% of all smokers will develop fatal or near fatal Lung Cancer from the health  hazard.  At the present moment, no efforts are underway to reduce the amount of radioactive material accumulating in the plant tissues of the Tobacco begin grown anywhere in the world.  Doctors have theorized that reducing it, might drastically cut back the incidence of Cancer among smokers.  The increasing incidence of Polonium in our environment is a result of increased use of radioactive elements in the environment, and the conversion of certain heavy elements into the 'parent' of polonium, which through decay and chemical processing in fertilizer, is ending up in dangerous amounts in the leaves of the Tobacco plant, and, ultimately, in Cigarettes. Of the many consequences of smoking, such as sexual impairment, reduction of the tissue and advanced aging, emphysema, heart disease, asthma, disruption of certain of the process of the blood, cutbacks on oxygenation, and increases in various toxic substances in the blood, such as Tar, and Ash, Lung Cancer is the most dangerous and the most often fatal byproduct of smoking. ACSA favors a reduction in the radioactive Polonium in Tobacco voluntarily by all tobacco producers, through careful screening of farming processes and post processing of the Tobacco leaf.  ACSA does NOT condone smoking, on account of it's extremely lethal consequences, but is looking at ways to decrease the incidence of Cancer among smokers, whose lives we have the utmost hopes for as research bears more accurate ways of determining the root cause of a particular disease.  ACSA favors Tobacco Companies taking the next two decades and finding other ways to make money, so that they can gradually phase out Tobacco production in deference to the health impact on consumers... which has resulted in an enormous burden on Insurance Providers, Medical Institutions and the Smokers themselves.


@Science Alert !! 
In 1972, ACSA Chair suggested to the physics community
that Gravity was caused by Empty Space pressing objects together by 'anti relativistic quantum pressure' which happened as a result of so-called 'solids' and 'energies' being incompatible with empty space, that they rejected each other.   Read
more about his remarkable theory by linking to it above! See Note 1  Author is one of the key developers of the modern day IBM PC (which work he did in 1978), the Windows Operating System's precursor (in 1976), the Internet Browser (in 1974), pieces of the Unix Operating System's earliest designs (in 1968), several massively parallel computer architectures used for flight control, by weapons systems developers, and for artificial intelligence architectures (between 1979 and 1984) and a host of other computer technologies.  He was named ACSA Science Fellow in 1996, and has consistently provided leadership that has helped ACSA move forward ever since it's founding.  He also heads the ATTx (ACSA Think Tank "x"), a special non-profit consultancy.

@Scientist Alert !!
Mathematics, BioFusion and Reflexive Control for Sentient Machine
by John D. Norseen
ACSA member, University Professor and Lockheed-Martin Scientist. Professor Norseen, who was named "NeuroEngineer of the Century" by US News Magazine, publishes his most recent article on BioFusion covering his presentation to the Russian Academy of Science in Oct. 2000.  ACSA advises that Professor Norseen is very likely the world's foremost expert on the organization and function of the physical brain.
For more information, please review this reprint of a recent US News Article about John D. Norseen's unique work mapping brain prints to semiotic computation, by clicking here...>  John Norseen was also a keynote speaker on new Information Systems technologies at a Symposium on "Reflexive Congtrol" in Moscow, Russia (Oct 2000 site) sponsored by the Institute of Psychology Russian Academy of Sciences (roughly: Russia's 'National Science Foundation').

@Human Rights Alert !!   
ACSA Scientist Dr. Gurminder Singh, is spearheading a venture to promote advanced Internet Telecommunications that could result in recovery of setbacks in the Internet's evolution.  Dr. Singh is cited in recent publications as the "Telecommunications Scientist of the New Millennium".  A member of the family of famed Sikh Philanthropist and World Leader, Yogi Baghan, owner of "Yogi Teas" of California, Dr. Gurminder Singh is also promoting the Geodesic Space Design Institute at ACSA, and is serving as ACSA coordinator to the Silicon Valley and West Coast Venture Capital Community...  Click Here to Join!  Join the NEW ACSA / GEODESIC SPACE DESIGN INSTITUTE !   

NOTE: Dr. Singh, is one of the few survivors of the infamous Golden Temple slaughter of Sikh spiritual leaders intended by certain political elements in India to strip the Sikh people of their leadership, has been a philanthropist and humanitarian for the past two decades.  A nephew of renowned Sikh Business Leader and International Humanitarian, Yogi Bhajan, Dr. Gurminder Singh is the exiled sole survivor of a concerted campaign by the Indian Congress Party to destroy a Human Rights investigation he was participating in as a Witness, that had been undertaken by Legal Watch and Amnesty International in the Punjab, a State in India.  Dr. Singh was attempting to deliver the findings of the Investigation to Amnesty International in London, when he was imprisoned and severely beaten, nearly to death, in 1993.  Intervention by the British Government resulted in his release, near death, and his eventual exile for recovery, to the United States.  The Investigation's topics included, among them, the study of the death of nearly 5 million Sikh's as a result of state politics. It also included the investigation of the murder of nearly 250,000 Sikh's after the Congress Party assassinated Prime Minister Indira Ghandi and publicly blamed the assassination wrongly on her two Sikh bodyguards, who had nearly succeeded in saving the Prime Minister's life, but were up against overwhelming Congress Party military forces.
Even to this date, members of the Congress Party Brahmin elite continue to perpetuate the myth, resenting the near failure of the coup as a result of the valiant efforts by the Bodyguards to save Madam Ghandi.  The study was successfully repressed by India, whose level of embarrassment at the release of it, might even have resulted in further military action against the Sikh, who represent nearly 75% of the wealth of India, but only about 2% of it's population.  Visit an interesting site: http://www.5millionmartyrs.org .

Advanced Mathematics: the Gordion Knot and the Spiral: Dr. Lere O. Shakunle of Berlin, named an ACSA Fellow in 2001, has perhaps revolutionized the notions of quantum dynamics in interlocking mechanical devices and knots.  The Mathematics of Knots? Believe It or Knot!!!

With the Stock Market in a state of uncertainty, and the prosperity associated with Internet ventures severely 'stressed' and 'economically challenged', and in many cases becoming increasingly extinct, the ACSA has organized a specially designed Business Accelerator/Virtual Incubator: KIRAN VENTURES. KIRAN (which means "Light") Ventures will be dedicated to  bringing Leading Advanced Technologies out of the darkness of obscurity into the light of the capital markets... [go there!]


 ø  MBNA  Offers ACSA Platinum Credit Card (5.9% APR, No Annual Fee) to all members GO THERE !!  
[Join ACSA Here]

 ø  AIG  Announces Low Cost Auto Insurance for members of the ACSA.  You may ask at 1-800-WEB-APPLY...

 ø  ACC  ADVANCED AI WEB SERVER donated for ACSA UNIVERSITY!  The new "post PhD" 
Professional University is born. Server uses advanced Pentium 4 XEON CPUs by INTEL.

 ø Live University Conference Server  NOW based on Microsoft NETSHOW, NETMEETING and .NET.

 ø ACSA Announces Sponsored Membership: 116,000 +  Calls for members to update their addresses by email.  REREGISTER YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS BY CLICKING HERE, PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS and 

 ø ACSA Announces Corporate Membership: 14,000+ Describes 'cooperative savings' program for Corporate Members who can share expenses on certain kinds of purchases and overheads.


ACSA RENOUNCES THE DEPRIVATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE NATIVE DINEH NAVAHO OF BIG MOUNTAIN AND BLACK MESA ARIZONA, for the purposes of purloining COAL under their farmlands by Peabody Western Corporation, who funded the activities of politicians to circumvent laws protecting our fellow citizens of Native American descent and their national territories, delivering that purloined coal to Gaming Interests who used it to power Casinos in Nevada.  On October 15, ACSA joined the growing world fervor at the UN / European Parliamentary in Condemnation of deprivation of Human Rights (right to own property) being committed against the Native Navaho of Arizona and New Mexico.  ACSA renounces the entire affair as "Harmful the US interests" and "Subrogating the United States to name calling, allegations of Racism and Human Rights Violations." ACSA announces support for the European Parliament's demand that the US Bureau of Indian Affairs "Immediately restore the land of the Black Mesa and Big Mountain to the Native Navaho/Dineh," and other restitutions.  Reference Link: [ Cain2000.org ]  (to be continued...)

Help The Physically Challenged!

 ø Donate a Kurzweil and Braille System to the Vision Disabled - (email us)

 ø Donate a Speaking PC with TV interface to the Hearing Disabled... (email us)

 ø Sponsor a Disabled person: provide quality of life through technological interfacing... (email us)

 ø Endow an educational curriculum for the challenged - (email us)



 Over 110 Million Visitors Served since Jan 1, 1995! 
     acsa's compuserve forum opened in 1989
     acsa2000.net first opened: 8/1/1993

     acsa2000.net last updated: 9/22/2001

DID YOU KNOW?  ACSA's original 'website', a CompuServe 
"forum", after widely publicizing the UNABOM Manifesto for 
only three (3) months, received an anonymous email from 
a member of the UNABOM Terrorist's family, which resulted 
in the FBI apprehending and convicting UNABOM Terrorist 
Theodore Kaczynski? Being a Charity, ACSA had asked that 
any reward be given to the surviving family of victims of 
UNABOMER violence...


Site Director

Ms. Janice Claire Doskey

Site Curator

Professor John Norseen



and its Web Development 
Team are members of: 

The HTML Writers Guild and The ACSA Web 
 Professionals Guild

Images above and those 
on successive pages: 




Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund - call 1-800-446-0500, or visit the site for details on how to donate to help the families and loved ones of those lost in the World Trade Center disaster.
Carr Futures World Trade Center Memorial Fund - donations to this fund will help the families of Carr employees who were victims of the WTC tragedy.
NYC Patrolmen's Benevolent Association - find out how to donate to the police officer's widows and childrens fund.
New York State World Trade Center Relief Fund - call 800-801-8092, or donate online.
Interactive Relief & Rescue Map - helps to determine the location of medical sites, shelters, missing persons centers, area closures, phone/electric outages, and relief organizations. From URHere.
NY Relief - provides up-to-date information to New Yorkers about how they can volunteer and help the relief efforts for the WTC attack.
New York Blood Center - 1-800-933-2566; site has donation information and locations.
Supplies Needed for Relief Effort - lists supplies that can be donated to help in relief efforts, and where to direct donations. From NY Rock.
Federal Emergency Management Agency - if you are in NYC or D.C. and are in need of assistance, call FEMA: 1-800-426-9029. Includes suggested donation avenues to help the victims of the terrorist attacks.
Newsday Disaster Relief Fund - donate money online, find out what kind of items are most needed, where to donate blood, and more.
American Liberty Partnership - portal created by Internet leaders to provide the public with a place to support numerous rescue and relief organizations.
AmeriCares Foundation
Armed Services YMCA - site has information on a fund to establish programs and services for the family members of those military and civilian personnel who have been tragically lost in the Pentagon disaster.
B'nai B'rith - relief fund to aid the victims and their families of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Church World Service - relief, development, and refugee assistance ministry of 36 Protestant, Orthodox, and Anglican denominations. Includes a factsheet on WTC recovery efforts.
Episcopal Relief and Development - providing food and drink for 24-hour teams involved in the search and rescue, and support trauma and grief counseling.
Feed The Children - mobilizing to address emergency needs in New York. Includes online donation form.
Helping.org - online conduit for dontaing money to relief and recovery efforts.
Housing Relief Fund - formed to help pay the mortgage and rental costs of the families devastated by the terrorist attacks in NYC and D.C. From the National Association of Realtors.
JustGive - cash or Yahoo! points may be be donated for conversion to relief funds. Assistance will go to surviving families of fallen emergency workers, WTC and Pentagon victims; and to families of stricken airline passengers and employees.
McCormick Tribune Foundation Relief Fund - in support of the relief and recovery efforts. From the Los Angles Times. Also: the Chicago Tribune's appeal for the same fund.
New York Times 9/11 Neediest Fund - will help provide financial relief to rescue workers and civilians or their families.
September 11th Victims Relief Fund - non-profit entity established by Virginia business leaders in order to assist the victims of the tragedy.
Silver Shield Foundation - provides scholarship money to children of fallen firefighters and police officers.
United Jewish Communities - donate to the emergency relief fund to assist in the recovery, relief and rehabilitation of the victims of this tragedy and their families.
United Methodist Committee on Relief - assisting in short-term and long-term recovery efforts.
World Vision - Christian organization partnering with NYC area churches to help families in need.
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - includes an online donation form for those who wish to help affected animals.
National Disaster and Search Dog Foundation - appeal for funds to buy booties for the search and rescue dogs to help them walk in the glass and rubble.
Update On New York City’s Animals - contact information for giving or receiving help with animals orphaned or trapped in the World Trade Center area; from PETA.
Possible Fraud Schemes - special report on solicitations of donations for victims of terrorist attacks. From the U.S. Department of Justice.
Consumers Warned to Beware of Online Disaster-Relief Scams - tips on how to make sure your donations are used as intended. From Computerworld.
Index: Funds to Help Victims - from the Washington Post.
 Emergency Contact Information
- American Airlines Contact Information - American's response number: 1-800-245-0999.
- United Airlines: Information on United Flights 93 and 175 - United's response number: 1-800-932-8555.
- NYC Emergency Information - from the New York City government. Report missing persons: 212-560-2730; NYC information hotline: 212-560-2730. Also includes information on the DNA collection program.
- Attacks Tenant Hot Lines - listing of phone numbers by companies in the World Trade Center to receive and leave information about workers missing the World Trade Center attacks. From AP.
- Cantor Fitzgerald - anyone who can confirm the safety of potentially affected employees, phone 212-704-8188. Relatives and friends who wish to inquire about employees should call 866-326-3188 (from inside the U.S.), or +44 (0)207 894 7321 (from outside of the U.S.).
- Morgan Stanley - largest tenant in the World Trade Center; contact number: 1-888-883-4391.
- U.S. Government Information and Resources
- Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield - World Trade Center tenant; emergency number is 1-866-761-8265.
- Pentagon Updates - family members may contact Service representatives: Army: 1-800-984-8523 or 703-428-0002; Navy and Marine Corps: 1-877-663-6772; and Air Force: 1-800-253-9276. Navy and Marine Corps personnel assigned to the Pentagon are also requested to call 1-877-663-6772 for accountability purposes.
- U.S. Justice Department's Family Assistance Center Victims Hotline - phone number 1-800-331-0075.
- Federal Emergency Management Agency - if you are in NYC or D.C. and are in need of assistance, call FEMA: 1-800-426-9029. Includes suggested donation avenues to help the victims of the terrorist attacks.
- UK Foreign Office issues emergency helpline number - 020 7008 0000.
- MSNBC: Information lines for family members
- U.S. News: Nationwide emergency and contact information - numbers for government agencies in New York and Washington areas as well as domestic and international airlines.

In Jack Shulman's Gravity Displacement Unified Field Theory: Gravity resulted from the fundamental rejection of wave based matter by Empty Space.  This 'rejection' consisted of at least three subcomponents: occupancy/distance, time/timeline and energy/resistance.  He suggested that this 'rejection' imparted mass on waveforms (of which he proposed all solid matter and energy consisted) resulting in inertia, the laws of thermodynamics and relativity, and when they were in proximity, less of this rejection force existed between them, there being less Empty Space and Distance between objects in proximity, than the amount of Empty Space surrounding them, resulting in the appearance of a Gravity 'well', in reality, the pressure of the Empty Space Universe's 'rejection' force moving the two objects together.  Jack suggested that light was three fundamental waves, one of which which has greater mass in our Universe than we thought, 2/3 of which exists and moves within our Universe in a positive time coefficient and in a forward motion frame of reference, but that there existed an "anterior Universe" that coexisted within and around Empty Space, in which time moved in several directions, and in which 'dimensionality' only existed very close and in proximity to our Universe.  Jack suggested that one of the three parts of Light "waves" (slightly more than 1/3 of the light wavelet) was an energetic wave that had a 'signature' and a 'context' that caused it to exist in the 'anterior Universe' and travel in the 'negative' Time direction.  He proposed that as a result of the differential of these two key waves comprising light, that light had a 'relative differentiated mass that appeared very tiny' but which traveled as fast as a tiny mass could in our Universe, due to the slightly larger quantity of mass which existed in our Universe.  In 1972, this Unified Field Theory, which also suggested that Light was as close to a 'fundamental particle' as could be found, yet that it's waves were made of 'harmonized subcarrier distortion energies' emitted by a substance that Empty Space was created by: an infinite, superdense particle/mass that existed in all Universes and frames of reference everywhere, simultaneously, called an 'Infinity Particle'.
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